LiteSpeed/Cloudlinux Enterprise configuration questions

Hi All,

I am wondering if someone could give us some insight to help us make sure we are configuring our virtual hosts & their LSAPI App settings correctly based on our use case....

Some background:

We are using LiteSpeed Enterprise on Cloudlinux to host our clients websites. We have a custom control panel, built in PHP, that we have integrated with LiteSpeed.. essentially we have a script that builds XML config files - this all works very well and has done for a while now.

When we first set this up we used virtual host templates, but for flexibility we are going to change to individual vhosts - mainly to be able to control resources on each and every vhost, rather than having to stick with the template assigned resources. Second we are going to change from compiled PHP (5.3-5.6) to the excellent LiteSpeed lsphp5x packages.

I have two main questions:

1). If you have a single vhost assigned to a single listener, do you need to have SSL config on both listener and vhost? If not, which is the best one to set the SSL config on?

2). In moving to LiteSpeed lsphp5x packages (and in general), what is a good base for the LiteSpeed SAPI settings? specifically max connections, timeouts, instances, memory and process limits, etc. We mainly host SME websites, lots of WordPress sites - these sites don't have massive usage, a good estimate would be 0-100 users on site at once. We have sites that have more, but we will look at that separately from this post.

Any insight would be very grateful.

Just additionally here: We use vmware 5.5 on multiple Dell R610's for our platform, our primary vhosting server has 8 x 2.4 cores and 10GB of memory.


for 1) I'm not sure. our other staff may reply.
2) this is a FAQ -- the standard answer: default setting already optimized and apply for most cases. no need change them unless you encounter any specific issue and need change them.

a good way to monitor lsws's performance is lsws web admin -> Real-Time Stats
when a user report website slow, you can check External Application for that user's account, especially WaitQ column.
if it keeps as 0, should not be an lsphp setting issue.
if > 0 and last long time, may need look into and adjust lsphp settings.
2) this is a FAQ -- the standard answer: default setting already optimized and apply for most cases. no need change them unless you encounter any specific issue and need change them.

OK - ive just checked a default install to see what they are.. can you tell me, which should i be using as a suggested default?

Server > External App > lsphp5 (e.g. default max connections = 35, etc)
Vhost Templates > PHP_SuEXEC > External App > lsphp (e.g. default max connections = 5, etc)