Litespeed Crawler with not working!

Hi everybody.
Crime of using litespeed cache + for wordpress site. All is fine except crawler function. Although after the status is green (hit) and I check on or curl ssh both gives "x-qc-cache: hit", then I access When accessing the browser for the first time and checking the header, the results are "x-litespeed-cache: miss" and "x-qc-cache: miss". But when I reload page 1 again, the result in header is "x-qc-cache: hit". Hope everybody help please!

p/s: sorry my english is pretty bad, so i use google translate.
Thank you very much!


Staff member


Well-Known Member
Hello, how have you solved this issue? I am having the same here.
There is nothing to solve, but to understand how the Internet and a Content Delivery Network like quic.loud works. As @Unique_Eric already said, it is impossible to warmup the cache on all QC or CDN nodes. Only the cache on the origin server and on the QC node that is the closest to the origin server can be warmed.