Litespeed + LiteCache + Litemage Magento Informations Needed


I would like to understand better is going to cost a Litespeed + LiteCache + Litemage Magento configuration. Can you explain better cost for such configuration?
I see Litemage is free until 2016 but what happens later?
You will need to pay to download Litemage extension for Magento once or you will have to pay a monthly fee? What about Litecache and Litemage updates are they free ?
If I get Litemage free now I will need to pay on 2016?

My other concern is that I am a bit worried that Litemage is so much new that could have conflicts on a Magento website with many 3d part (but well known) extensions. Altough first test seemes excellent, in Magento communities there is still not much feedback about Litemage to know reliability. Do you have a list or do you know if there are extension compatible or not compatible with Litemage? (example Embedded ERP, Magestore Inventory, M2E Pro, Moogento Pickpack, Moogento Easyship, Amasty Improved Navigation, Aheadworks Ajax Cart etc...)

Thanks for your attention


LiteSpeed Staff
Staff member
The license is bundled with LSWS, so you will have same license.key file to control litemage module. When it's no longer free, you will need to pay extra, same as LSWS options, monthly|yearly|owned.

We work closely with all users who are trying LiteMage now, and try to resolve all the issues ASAP. We'll release 1.0.6 today or tomorrow to address another customization issue. So far, all the issues that we encountered, we have been able to resolve.

Unlike other ones that exclude what cannot be cached, LiteMage only define what can be cached, so it's much safer to use. But Magento is so flexible, it's hard to say how LiteMage will work with your installation. Ajax cart works fine. But Ajax based navigation like price slider etc will not be cached, it will work with LiteMage, just you change the navigation filters, the ajax call is a post request, that is not cached. And I don't think any other cache solutions available on the market can cache ajax based post request. We may provide a solution to this later.

We have clients running in production for CE 1.7, 1.8, 1.9, EE 1.14. At this stage, we are pretty confident that LiteMage should be compatible with most extensions. And any issues, please contact us and we'll get it resolved at the speed of "LiteSpeed".
Hi Nerva44,
I am running Litemage in my live site and it is amazing.
Page speeds went from 6+ seconds down to 1.2 seconds
I have only had 1 issue which was fixed in an update within 24 hours. The service of Litespeedtech is excellent.