LiteSpeed not start.

I install this server, all process installing be good. But then the server start I get error:
[ERROR] Failed to start the web server. For trouble shooting information,
please refer to documents in "/opt/lsws/docs/".
I have debian stable. I need help.

edit. and this I have in error.log:
2007-05-07 21:57:00.921 [NOTICE] Your free software update had expired 13640 days ago.
2007-05-07 21:57:00.922 [NOTICE] Loading LiteSpeed/3.1 Standard ...
2007-05-07 21:57:00.930 [NOTICE] [ADMIN] server socket:
2007-05-07 21:57:00.930 [NOTICE] Loading configuration from /opt/lsws/conf/httpd_config.xml ...
2007-05-07 21:57:00.932 [ERROR] [config] Failed to initialize I/O event dispatcher type: best, error: Function not implemented
2007-05-07 21:57:00.932 [NOTICE] [config] Fall back to I/O event dispatcher type: poll
2007-05-07 21:57:00.933 [INFO] old priority: 0, new priority: 0
2007-05-07 21:57:00.933 [INFO] [config:server:basic] For better obscurity, server version number is hidden in the response header.
2007-05-07 21:57:00.939 [NOTICE] The maximum number of file descriptor limit is set to 500.
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Ok I install on Linux 2.6 and work, but i have big load :

top - 10:44:47 up 78 days, 15:10, 1 user, load average: 9.10, 7.92, 5.16

and 300 users online on vbulletin forum. I have Pentium 4 2.4 Ghz 1GB ram.


LiteSpeed Staff
What was the load before switching to LiteSpeed? If it getting worse, must be something wrong.

Are you using control panel, how many php processors are in use? "ps -ef | grep lsphp", maybe your vB need some tune up.