litespeed on DA vps


Active Member
I just installed a free version on one DA vps. THe installation went smoothly. But the web pages are not working well. It's just showing the code without any process

Is there any idea why and how to fix it?
Thank you.


Active Member
I have copied content in /usr/local/directadmin/data/users/user-name/httpd.conf, put it into /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf, disable the include line calling to each user httpd.conf file, but nothing changes. The vBulletin file is still showing code. Something likes PHP is not working with Litespeed?


Active Member
I have built lsphp5, added a script handler as CGI (the only value I can see for Handler Name value), but a simple php info page returned error "lscgid: execve(): Permission denied"


Active Member
I followed that tutorial, but could not find out sapi part
sudo cp php-5.2.3/sapi/litespeed/php fcgi-bin/lsphp

in fcgi-bin, there is lsphp5. Command "lsphp5 -v" shows version 5.2.6 with litespeed already. But when going to http://ip:8088/, clicking to test php link, it asked me to download php file.

any idea please?


LiteSpeed Staff
You skip the part that build lsphp binary, as you have one already, just create a lsphp5 external application, then create a script handler for ".php" with that external application.