LiteSpeed Problem

Hi everyone
I have installed LiteSpeed on my server.I am using Plesk 10.1 and OpenSuse 11.I get problem about Litespeed but I think i get it coz of Apache.First 30 min.It is working but than I get Apache running problem and i am loggining in SSH.I have to stop apache and lsws than start again.Can somebody help me pls?I can give my SSH information also.

Thanks for answer.

Here is logs.

2011-02-01 21:56:08.851 ERROR [/srv/www/vhosts/] Listener for is not available!
2011-02-01 21:56:08.851 WARN [/srv/www/vhosts/] failed to add mime type: , reason: invalid MIME description
2011-02-01 21:56:08.851 WARN [] can't set 'Forced Type', undefined MIME Type handler/perl-script
2011-02-01 21:56:08.852 ERROR [/srv/www/vhosts/] Listener for is not available!
2011-02-01 21:56:08.853 ERROR [/srv/www/vhosts/] Listener for is not available!
2011-02-01 21:56:08.854 WARN [] can't set 'Forced Type', undefined MIME Type handler/perl-script
2011-02-01 21:56:08.854 WARN [] can't set 'Forced Type', undefined MIME Type handler/python-program
2011-02-01 21:56:08.854 WARN Standard Edition only support up to 5 Apache vhosts.
2011-02-01 21:56:08.857 ERROR [/srv/www/vhosts/] Listener for _default_ is not available!
2011-02-01 21:56:14.451 ERROR [/opt/lsws/bin/httpd] is not owned by root user.
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Well-Known Member
Assuming you have LiteSpeed read Apache httpd.conf from control panel (Plesk). Do you have Apache and LiteSpeed running at the same time? Can you check Apache log for any details to its problem and post here?
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Yes they are running at the same time.But when i stop to Apache,Litespeed is not working.
It is the problem when just litespeed works.

404 Not Found
The resource requested could not be found on this server! Powered By LiteSpeed Web Server
LiteSpeed Technologies is not responsible for administration and contents of this web site!
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Well-Known Member
You are running Standard Edition which can only read top 5 Apache vhosts configuration. The 404 Not Found error is likely because you requested a resource from a vhost that is NOT read by LSWS (outside of those 5 vhosts).

2011-02-01 21:56:08.854 WARN Standard Edition only support up to 5 Apache vhosts.
You can try Enterprise Edition ( to lift that limitation.


Well-Known Member
The error log you posted earlier (quoted above) indicated you were running a Standard Edition (3 hours ago).

Looks like you just installed enterprise edition and used that trial license 1.5 hour ago.

Are you still getting the 404 error?

BTW, to have Apache and LSWS running at the same time, you need to set Apache Port Offset to something like 2000 (Admin Console -> Configurations -> Server -> General -> Using Apache Configuration File). LSWS is serving at http://hostname:2080 where hostname is the name to access Apache.