Litespeed ProcessGroup Mode fo PHP and Cloudlinux PHP Selector

i want install litespeed on my cloudlinux+cpanel server

for using Cloudlinux PHP Selector we shoud use ProcessGroup Mode or Worker Mode, and we need OPCACHE so we can just use ProcessGroup Mode,

Accourding to Litespeed WIKI for using ProcessGroup Mode we need to do this conf :

Start By Server : Yes
Run On Start Up : No (under WebAdmin console > Configuration > External App > your_external_application to start a parent process for each process group only when a user receives traffic. Setting Run On Start Up to Yes may result in errors.)

source :

ProcessGroup Mode >Configuration tips

But on cloudlinux docs recommend to :

"Set Yes in the Run On Startup"

source ;

(Additional settings for LiteSpeed version 5.3 +)

So im confused, when i want use ProcessGroup Mode with Cloudlinux PHP Selector, i shoud set "Run On Startup" to "yes" ( cloudlinux recommend ) or "no" Litespeed wiki recommend,

Best Regards,


it looks both docs a bit outdated :)

just leave it blank, use its default setting

default mean "Yes (Detached Mode)"

initially there 2 options only: "Yes" or "No", later added 2: "Yes (Daemon Mode)" ans "Yes (Detached Mode)"

regarding "Yes (Detached Mode)":

Q: "Run On Startup" : Yes or No ?
A: Yes and No

No: when server start up, it actually won't start up. why ? imaging there are 1000 accounts on a server, if set to "Yes", after server start up, it will then start up 1000 lsphp processes, this is a nightmare. so lsphp parent process won't start up UNTIL a real request come in.
after start up, it will keep running until there is no requests for some time, i.e., has been idle for some time, it'll be killed by server to save resource.

Yes: in example a high traffic website. the lsphp parent process keeps running since there is new requests coming all the time.
even if the web server restart itself, this lsphp parent process keeps running, so "Yes", it's already running there before the new web server start up. or, it is Run Before (web server) Startup.

detached mode is new: when web server restart, it can still running there forever as long as it keeps busy. the difference: initially its parents are litespeed processes, when web server restart, its parent become 1(the kernel sets its parent to init)
it looks both docs a bit outdated :)

just leave it blank, use its default setting

default mean "Yes (Detached Mode)"

initially there 2 options only: "Yes" or "No", later added 2: "Yes (Daemon Mode)" ans "Yes (Detached Mode)"

regarding "Yes (Detached Mode)":

Q: "Run On Startup" : Yes or No ?
A: Yes and No

No: when server start up, it actually won't start up. why ? imaging there are 1000 accounts on a server, if set to "Yes", after server start up, it will then start up 1000 lsphp processes, this is a nightmare. so lsphp parent process won't start up UNTIL a real request come in.
after start up, it will keep running until there is no requests for some time, i.e., has been idle for some time, it'll be killed by server to save resource.

Yes: in example a high traffic website. the lsphp parent process keeps running since there is new requests coming all the time.
even if the web server restart itself, this lsphp parent process keeps running, so "Yes", it's already running there before the new web server start up. or, it is Run Before (web server) Startup.

detached mode is new: when web server restart, it can still running there forever as long as it keeps busy. the difference: initially its parents are litespeed processes, when web server restart, its parent become 1(the kernel sets its parent to init)
Thank you,
so for shared hosting with 800 account ( mostly low traffic )

Run On Startup : Yes (Detached Mode) is best option or "No" ?

According to using Cloudlinux PHP Selector.

Best Regards,
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Run On Startup : Yes (Detached Mode) is best option or "No" ?
"Yes (Detached Mode)" is best option
"No" will work, not wrong.
"Yes" should be wrong. you can verify it by "ps -ef | grep lsphp|wc" right after web server start up.

for low traffic, you may not be able to measure their difference.