Litespeed Virtual host with Cpanel and apache(APVH)


New Member

We have a server which has cpanel installed. We replaced the apache with litespeed and everything works fine. The question that I have is: I want to change the litespeed setting per virtual host (lite security and cache settings) As I can see in the litespeed admin consoel, our litespeed is not using litepeed virtual hosts but it is using APVH. Now WhatI want to achive is to change the settings for a single doamin. How can I do this without affecting the whole server?

Kind regards


LiteSpeed Staff
Usually, it need to be done through .htaccess or virtual host configuration customization through cPanel vhost level include file.


New Member
Hi Mistwang

Thanks, But what are the full commands both for htaccess and the apache vhost(for all the configuration)



New Member
Thanks that is helpfull, but it dose not have all the configuration related to cache in the htaccess format.

For securty i mean Access Control and Per Client Throttling


LiteSpeed Staff
You can use Apache directives for Access control.
Per client throttling can only be set at server level.
You can set per vhost bandwidth limit through mod_bw directives. "BandWidth", "MinBandWidth", "LargeFileLimit" directives are supported.