Litespeed Web Server with Drupal?

Hello everyone!

Well, I just installed Drupal 6.19 on my Linode with Ubunto 9.10 and Apache 2.2 and it all works fine, but I've tried several ways to install the Litespeed Web Server instead both before and after Drupal install but with no luck, can't figure it out, a total newbee to Drupal so I need some help with this...

How can I replace Apache with Litespeed? Anyone done this yet and how? I've installed on Ubunto 9.10 now but could also choose Centos 5.5, my preference, but could only get it to work on my Linode with Ubunto so far... any help doing this with ssh commands very much appreciated or what exact files need to be modified?

I wish there is a way to run Litespeed instead... that's my favorite Web Server...

Thanks, Henrik
NiteWave;maybe .htaccess not take effect.

at server and vhost level, please enable .htaccess in admin console.

check "Allow Override" settings:

Thanks NiteWave for the reply!

Just wondering if you saying to do this on a total clean install of Drupal 6.19 first to install Apache 2.2 part of LAMP stack on my Linode with Ubunto 9.10 or Centos 5.5... and then install Litespeed on top and make those "Allow Override" afterwards? Or would it be better to install separately MySQL PHP5 and Litespeed fiirst then Drupal then make the changes without having Apache 2.2 installed at all? If you can give me some suggestions with this in which order to install what correctly would be very grateful... That's one of the things I absolutely love with Litespeed is it's superior Admin Panel!

Thanks, Henrik


litespeed and apache can run at the same time.

the easiest way for you may be setup drupal under apache first, make it working. then install litespeed, but listen to port 2080, set up a vhost with same document root with apache.

so your drupal should be working on :80(apache) and :2080(liespeed). in case drupal on :80 work and on :2080 not work, look back to my previous suggestion.
set up a vhost with same document root with apache.
Thanks again for helping me out NiteWave...

Okay I understand you much better now, I'll try later on today to do it all over again with installing Litespeed... only a few questions for you... any particular reason why you choose Port 2080 for Litespeed to listen on? I gotta confess I have no glue how to confique Apache! so used to Litespeed instalation and the Admin panel which is simply the best and this I can understand it's clear cut and easily layed out for me...

Also you mention "set up a vhost with same document root with apache"... you mean by that the location in the file system which is in my Apache2 folder? exactly which folder or file to be correct so I don't screw it up later... do I have to have Apache installed at all... so far I can only get Drupal 6.19 to work with Apache 2.2 on my Linode... can't I just remove Apache (delete! thank you you very much!) and run Litespeed on Port 80?

Best regards, Henrik