Looking for some explanation of Cache Storage in LiteMage


Well-Known Member
In the documentation https://www.litespeedtech.com/support/wiki/doku.php/litespeed_wiki:cache:litemage:configuration , it mentions "If your server hosts multiple Magento installations, you must set up different cache storage paths for each installation."

I see no method for maintaining separate caches for multiple magento installations on the same virtual host. Is this a limitation of LiteMage?

Is there any way to disable litemage for a virtual host in the http configuration, which overrides turning it on in .htaccess?


LiteSpeed Staff
I see no method for maintaining separate caches for multiple magento installations on the same virtual host. Is this a limitation of LiteMage?
Yes, it is a limitation of LiteMage.
Is there any way to disable litemage for a virtual host in the http configuration, which overrides turning it on in .htaccess?
Yes, if you put "LiteMage off" in the http configuration, it cannot be turned on in .htaccess.