I have request_routing installed, and as far as I can tell there shouldn't be too much tweaking required from the plugin end to parse for subdomains, however, it doesn't work.
My .ls_rails_config is set up (and working) per default settings, as such:
I understand that the point of routing, etc is to replace mod_rewrite, but a) do I need to include wildcards for the subdomains in .ls_rails_config; b) need to do some kind of application tweak to parse subdomains properly; c) something else?
I'm on a shared server, and I don't really have much LS admin experience, so I don't know whether I need my host to enable something for me.
The point, essentially, is to route subdomains dynamically to a particular url/param (eg, subdomain.site.com routes to site.com/controller/action/param).
Any thoughts? Sorry for my lack of expertise.
My .ls_rails_config is set up (and working) per default settings, as such:
RailsApp myapp "/rails_site_folder" "production" 4 1
RailsAppMap myapp "mysite.com" "/"
I'm on a shared server, and I don't really have much LS admin experience, so I don't know whether I need my host to enable something for me.
The point, essentially, is to route subdomains dynamically to a particular url/param (eg, subdomain.site.com routes to site.com/controller/action/param).
Any thoughts? Sorry for my lack of expertise.