lsapi Apache

I want to test lsapi but I don't see any docs for explaining to how setup lsapi with Apache? Is there a module to do so? I can't seem to figure this part out. I want to replace suphp with lsapi.


Well-Known Member
LSAP does not work with Apache it works with LiteSpeed web server ;-) The docs on building PHP with LSAP are in the Wiki.
Hrm, Ok, well that makes a lot of sense. I was reading a blog someone said they had set up lsapi with Apache. I guess they were just mistaken in what they meant.

Someone make an apache module ;)


New Member
Are you sure it didn't work with Apache? I've found a blog below :

I really want to know if LSAPI works with Apache or not. My server uses a lot of resource once I've set up with suPHP. (That's because suPHP doesn't support any PHP opcode cache like APC, xCache, etc.) So, I need something to replace it. I found that LSAPI will include in PHP 5.3. So, it should be a good alternative to suPHP if it really works.

zeus - I got the same bad information from that site. Nowhere else is it indicative that they have a module for apache to use lsapi. I'm not sure what he was talking about. Let me know if he ever responds.


LiteSpeed Staff
LSAPI is the communication protocol between LiteSpeed and external application servers, it only available to LiteSpeed web server.

Our PHP suEXEC solution uses our LSAPI with PHP, it has much better performance than other suphp alike solutions.