LSCache for WordPress v1.1.5 Now Available

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Staff member

LSCache for WordPress v1.1.5 was released today.

In this release: scheduled purge, improved .htaccess warnings, bug fixes, and more!

Full release log:
[NEW FEATURE] Scheduled Purge URLs feature.
[NEW FEATURE] Added buffer callback to improve compatibility with some plugins that force buffer cleaning.
[NEW FEATURE] Hide purge_all admin bar quick link if cache is disabled.
[NEW FEATURE] Required htaccess rules are now displayed when .htaccess is not writable.
[NEW FEATURE] Debug log features: filter log support; heartbeat control; log file size limit; log viewer.
[IMPROVEMENT] Separate crawler access log.
[IMPROVEMENT] Lazy PURGE requests made after output are now queued and working.
[IMPROVEMENT] Improved readme.txt with keywords relating to our compatible plugins list.
[UPDATE] ‘ExpiresDefault’ conflict msg is now closeable and only appears in the .htaccess edit screen.
[UPDATE] Improved debug log formatting.
[INTEGRATION] Compatibility with MainWP plugin.
[BUGFIX] Fixed Woocommerce order not purging product stock quantity.
[BUGFIX] Fixed Woocommerce scheduled sale price not updating issue.
[REFACTOR] Combined cache_enable functions into a single function.

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