LSCache for WordPress v1.3 Now Available

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Staff member

LSCache for WordPress v1.3 was released today.

In this release: browser cache support, many new features, bug fixes, and more!

Full release log:
[NEW FEATURE] Added Browser Cache support.
[NEW FEATURE] Added Remove Query Strings support.
[NEW FEATURE] Added Remove Google Fonts support.
[NEW FEATURE] Added Load CSS Asynchronously support.
[NEW FEATURE] Added Load JS Deferred support.
[NEW FEATURE] Added Critical CSS Rules support.
[NEW FEATURE] Added Private Cached URIs support.
[NEW FEATURE] Added Do Not Cache Query Strings support.
[NEW FEATURE] Added frontend adminbar shortcuts ( Purge this page/Do Not Cache/Private cache ).
[IMPROVEMENT] Do Not Cache URIs now supports full URLs.
[IMPROVEMENT] Improved performance of Do Not Cache settings.
[IMPROVEMENT] Encrypted vary cookie.
[IMPROVEMENT] Enhanced HTML optimizer.
[IMPROVEMENT] Limited combined file size to avoid heavy memory usage.
[IMPROVEMENT] CDN supports custom upload folder for media files.
[API] Added purge single post API.
[API] Added version compare API.
[API] Enhanced ESI API for third party plugins.
[INTEGRATION] Compatibility with NextGEN Gallery v2.2.14.
[INTEGRATION] Compatibility with Caldera Forms v1.5.6.2+.
[BUGFIX] Fixed CDN&Minify compatibility with css url links.
[BUGFIX] Fixed .htaccess being regenerated despite there being no changes.
[BUGFIX] Fixed CDN path bug for subfolder WP instance.
[BUGFIX] Fixed crawler path bug for subfolder WP instance with different site url and home url.
[BUGFIX] Fixed a potential Optimizer generating redundant duplicated JS in HTML bug.
[GUI] Added a more easily accessed submit button in admin settings.
[GUI] Admin settings page cosmetic changes.
[GUI] Reorganized GUI css/img folder structure.
[REFACTOR] Refactored configuration init.
[REFACTOR] Refactored admin setting save.
[REFACTOR] Refactored .htaccess operator and rewrite rule generation.

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