LSCache for WordPress v1.7.1 Now Available

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Jon K

Staff member

LSCache for WordPress v1.7.1 was released today.

In this release: New Optimize and Tuning settings, improved JS/CSS minify, bug fixes and more!

Full release log:
[NEW FEATURE] Added DNS Prefetch setting on the Optimize page.
[NEW FEATURE] Added Combined File Max Size setting on the Tuning page.
[IMPROVEMENT] Improved JS/CSS minify to achieve higher page scores.
[IMPROVEMENT] Optimized JS/CSS files will not be served from private cache for OLS or with ESI off.
[UPDATE] Fixed a potential warning for new installations on the Settings page.
[UPDATE] Fixed an issue with guest users occasionally receiving PHP warnings.
[BUGFIX] Fixed a bug with the Improve HTTPS Compatibility setting failing to save.

Thanks to all of our users for your encouragement and support! Happy New Year!
PS: Lookout 2018, we’re back!

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