LSCache + Shared Hosting cPanel/WHM


Well-Known Member
Any proper setup methods?

Appears we need all docroots of basic vhosts (Non LSCached) to have Cache Disabled in .htaccess?

Whenever I try to enable LSCache it goes system wide and starts caching at it's own will, we run lots of client's sites on many systems so this behavior isn't acceptable.

Thanks. We also look forward to Magento and Wordpress wiki guides on how to properly enable LSCache, we've had no luck. :confused:


LiteSpeed Staff
Unfortunately, you have to either enable cache globally then turn it off for some clients, or disable cache globally then turn it on for some clients.

However, for shared hosting, we recommend turning public cache off by default, enable private cache only, for each individual account, you can turn on public cache if need.
If enable public cache globally, need to use a safer cache policy by following response cache control header.

For Magento cache

Cache can be enabled for Wordpress, it wont cause big trouble, just that WP native cache, like WP supercache, w3cache, etc., work better as stale pages can be purged quickly.

For admin page of Magento, Wordpress and Joomla, add those URLs to "No cache URL" at server level. should add whatever URL that is not cache friendly.