New installation, using litespeed admin UI to compile php 5.3.5. Using PHP_SuEXEC. This worked fine for the first few compiles, but now compiling causes 403 Service unavailable when trying to run php files. I can fix the problem by going to /usr/local/lsws/fcgi-bin and chmod o+rx lsphp-5.3.5.
Is there a reason I just now how to start doing this? I have been using php_suexec from the begging but had to compile php with mycrypt support, that is when it stopped working without chmod'ing lsphp-5.3.5 everytime i re-compile.
Is there a reason I just now how to start doing this? I have been using php_suexec from the begging but had to compile php with mycrypt support, that is when it stopped working without chmod'ing lsphp-5.3.5 everytime i re-compile.