LSWS 3.0 admin interface problem


Well-Known Member
After upgrading to the 3.0 release version when I try to access the web interface I get the screen for the username and password. After entering those a pop up comes up that says:
Internet explorer cannot open the Internet site http://xxxxxxxx
Operation aborted


LiteSpeed Staff
Did you upgrade from command line or via the web admin interface?
There might be something wrong with the later, please try a manual upgrade then restart the server.
This issue is most likely caused by the use of YUI. Unfortunately a manual reinstall doesn't seem to fix it.

I googled "IE operation aborted javascript" and found the following about the
"Operation Aborted" message.

Chances are you are calling some object's render method before IE has had a chance to build the DOM (of course, every other browser seems to work fine). More annoyingly, this seems to be a race condition, so you might not always catch it.

The error is particular to IE6/IE7.


LiteSpeed Staff
We found that it relates to the number of tooltips on the page. When there are more than 10 tooltips, we got the error. Will investigate more.
I have tried IE6 and IE7, it's very intermittent for me. Sometimes i can login and click around for a while and other times i get an alert that pops up with an error. I do not have any issues using Firefox however.

I am not sure that this matters, but i have compiled my own version of PHP since i need 5.1+ for some apps, but i have followed the same procedure as the version 2 series without issue.

System info is as follows:

Server: LiteSpeed/3.0.2 Standard
OS: Ubuntu Edgy Linux
Version: #3 SMP Sun Oct 15 13:15:34 BST 2006
Machine: x86_64


LiteSpeed Staff
It is just a YUI/IE issue on the client side, have nothing to do with your PHP binary. :)

Please use Firefox for now. we will try upgrading YUI library see if it helps.