When LSWS 4.1.13 is running, none of the web forms in Kayako SupportSuite work - they all return error messages about not submitting a department ID, or not entering a search query, etc... When I roll back to 4.1.12 this issue disappears entirely and the site/script/forms work as expected.
The PHP version and binaries are the same and have not changed, but we are running PHP 5.3.14.
This *appears* from the debug logging to me, to be a mod_rewrite issue. The logs indicate in 4.1.13 that it's doing a 301 permanent move where as 4.1.12 does not indicate this and does further processing. There are no mod_rewrite rules in the .htaccess, however:
Here is the POST request of one of the forms that doesn't work on 4.1.13:
The PHP version and binaries are the same and have not changed, but we are running PHP 5.3.14.
This *appears* from the debug logging to me, to be a mod_rewrite issue. The logs indicate in 4.1.13 that it's doing a 301 permanent move where as 4.1.12 does not indicate this and does further processing. There are no mod_rewrite rules in the .htaccess, however:
root@redacted [/home/redacted/public_html_other/redacted.com/support]# cat .htaccess
php_flag display_errors on
php_flag register_globals on
php_value max_execution_time 600
php_value memory_limit 512M
php_value max_input_time 600
php_flag file_uploads on
php_value upload_max_filesize 20M
php_value max_file_uploads 20
4.1.13 - Apparently it's rewriting the URL
2012-07-15 04:04:02.602 [NOTICE] [] Content len: 16, Request line: 'POST /index.php?/Base/Search/Index HTTP/1.1'
2012-07-15 04:04:02.602 [INFO] [] Cookie len: 321, SWIFT_client=a%3A1%3A%7Bs%3A15%3A%22templategroupid%22%3Bs%3A1%3A%221%22%3B%7D; SWIFT_session
id40=52kilommcpyxzpedhz5v8q66k7kxgqy7; __utma=41635134.465161496.1342338067.1342338067.1342338067.1; __utmb=41635134.39.10.1342338067; __utmc=41635134; __utmz=41635134.1342338067.1.1.utmcsr=(direct)
2012-07-15 04:04:02.602 [DEBUG] [] Read Request Body!
2012-07-15 04:04:02.602 [DEBUG] [] Finished request body 16 bytes!
2012-07-15 04:04:02.602 [DEBUG] [] Find context with URI: [/], location: [/home/redacted/public_html_other/redacted.com/support/]
2012-07-15 04:04:02.602 [DEBUG] [] Find .htaccess context with URI: [/], location: [/home/redacted/public_html_other/redacted.com/support/
2012-07-15 04:04:02.602 [DEBUG] [] processNewReq() return 14.
[B][I][U][COLOR="Red"]2012-07-15 04:04:02.602 [DEBUG] [] HttpConnection::sendHttpError(),code=301 Moved Permanently[/COLOR][/U][/I][/B]
2012-07-15 04:04:02.602 [DEBUG] [] HttpConnection::flush()!
2012-07-15 04:04:02.602 [DEBUG] [] Written to client: 688
2012-07-15 04:04:02.602 [DEBUG] [] HttpConnection::nextRequest()!
2012-07-15 04:04:02.660 [DEBUG] [] HttpIOLink::handleEvents() events=1!
2012-07-15 04:04:02.660 [DEBUG] [] HttpConnection::onReadEx(), state: 0!
2012-07-15 04:04:02.660 [DEBUG] [] readToHeaderBuf().
2012-07-15 04:04:02.660 [DEBUG] [] Read from client: 716
2012-07-15 04:04:02.660 [DEBUG] [] read 716 bytes to header buffer
2012-07-15 04:04:02.660 [DEBUG] [] processHeader() return 0, header state: 3.
2012-07-15 04:04:02.660 [DEBUG] [] readToHeaderBuf() return 0.
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