I have compiled lsphp 5.3 and i cannot see my websites using the same. Instead it is using easy apache compiled php 5.6. I am using cPanel/WHM control panel with Litespeed webserver plugin. Any help would be appreciated.
for easy apache 4, you needn't or can't compile lsphp, must use those provided by cPanel / WHM.
or you use easy apache 4 to build php 5.3 if you can, as if the web server is apache, then easy apache 4 will build lsphp 5.3 as well.
Thanks for your reply. But, Easy apache 4 is not offering PHP 5.4 or lower versions. Kindly suggest me a solution. Also, i have been informed by cPanel's team that cloudlinux offers PHP 5.3 and some lower versions as well. If i upgrade to cloud linux, will i loose existing data on my server ? Kindly assist
Thanks for your reply. But, Easy apache 4 is not offering PHP 5.4 or lower versions. Kindly suggest me a solution. Also, i have been informed by cPanel's team that cloudlinux offers PHP 5.3 and some lower versions as well. If i upgrade to cloud linux, will i loose existing data on my server ? Kindly assist