LSWS hight load

I have 1-CPU LSWS 5.1.16 + LScache Standard on a server with E5-1650v2 + 8Go + SSD
Mysql database is on another server
On normal time, the unique site hosted is fast and all is OK
The issue is that on peak time, the WaitQ goes high, the load average fly to 30 and more (6 cores cpu - 12 threads)
I used several config, Max CONN from 35 to 300 but same issue
When WaitQ is high (300 for example), all cpu are used 100% (htop on linux) .. a few minutes later the WaitQ come back to 0 and cpu load calm down .. LSWS is supposed to run light on one core, no ?
I have disabled PHP suEXEC because I'm hosting one site .. same server behavior
What do you propose to check ?
Thanks for help in advance and apologies for my bad English !

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LiteSpeed Staff
Not all Magento pages can be cached, when a lot of people access the page not in cache, or not cacheable pages, the page will be served dynamically by PHP. You server has limited capacity to serve those slow magento pages dynamically, that's what you observed.
you need to make you magento store run faster for the dynamically served pages, see if the performance issue is due some bad plugin, get rid of them. it is not a problem that any web server can fix.
@mistwang sorry but the name of cache is LScache not LiteMage
My site is not running under Magento, my misteke ! it's a php cms not listed on LScache compatible cms list
So I think LScache is not used on my case right ?
I have also OPcache running (verified on phpinfo)
all is ok and suddenly a crisis appear for few seconds and then all back to normal
during the crisis the load rich 50 and more
and then load goes back to normal 5 +/-


Could you propose me a config that can be good for my case
I have tried lot of combination and every time I have this "crisis"
I also upgraded to 2-CPU LSWS

Jon K

Staff member
The reason for the high load is do to PHP. There is not a config that we can do to account for this scenario. You will either need to figure out why PHP is becoming so heavy, setup LSCache, or keep upping the MaxWaitQ ( This will not actually fix the high load issue but should bring down the WaitQ ). All web servers will have this issue as it is out of their scope.