Mobile version not being affected


Well-Known Member
If you have enabled "Cache Mobile" disable it. This setting is for WP installation that have a device detection. WP in almost all cases don't have such detection, so disable this setting and it should work, but don't forget to purge cache.


Well-Known Member
You have some missunderstanding about Google Pagespeed.

1.) Pagespeed doesn't measure the page load time.
2.) Pagespeed measures the "display" time after all data has been loaded from the server. That means, you can have a high speed super fast server, but if you have too much images, too much images that are not optimized, too much CSS, too much Javascript that block rendering and too much external sources like fonts from Google, then you will get a bad score. Desktop and mobile device are not the same. For Pagespeed test Google respects different Internet connections and uses a 3G/4G connection and not a LAN connection. Therefore the score for mobile devices is much lower as for desktop.

In your case no super fast high speed server or 1000 of optimize functions can fix your issue. To get a much better score reduce the high number of fonts from Google, host all font files on your own server, reduce or eliminate external tracking from Google and use a better theme with less code. These are the main reason why you get bad score. Fix them all and you will get a score that is 50% better than the current one.