This doesn't work as lsws uses /tmp/lshttpd/ as its working directory so to speak.
How do I specify a different directory to use like ~/tmp/lshttpd ??
I've modified ~/lsws/conf/httpd_config.xml with updated paths for the two things in there - But this doesn't change where the PID file goes.
I'm developing things and I'm keep everything separate - if VMWare worked with my latest kernel I'd just separate everything out at a machine level, alas it is not so I'm separating everything out at the user level....
How do I specify a different directory to use like ~/tmp/lshttpd ??
I've modified ~/lsws/conf/httpd_config.xml with updated paths for the two things in there - But this doesn't change where the PID file goes.
I'm developing things and I'm keep everything separate - if VMWare worked with my latest kernel I'd just separate everything out at a machine level, alas it is not so I'm separating everything out at the user level....