New install, can't access admin interface


Active Member
Okay, this I think is an easy permissions problem, but I can't figure it out.

When I try to access the admin interface at 7080 I get a 404 Not Found (powered by litespeed).

I check the lsws/logs/error.log and I see:

2008-09-10 11:22:02.101 [NOTICE] [AutoUpdate] Checking for new releases...
2008-09-10 11:22:02.101 [ERROR] execve() failed with errno=13, when try to start Fast CGI application: /root/lsws/bin/updateagent update i386-linux 1 NA!
2008-09-10 11:22:02.103 [NOTICE] [AutoUpdate] Failed, updateagent exit code: 255
The user running lsws is nobody. The /lsws/bin/updateagent file was set to root:root so I tried changing it to nobody:nobody but same error.

Any suggestions?



LiteSpeed Staff
Where did you install LSWS to? you may have permission problem if you install to a user's home directory and did not choose to run web server on behalf of that user. Install it to /opt/lsws or /usr/local/lsws if you can.