No executable 'php' under sapi/litespeed/


Well-Known Member
I'm trying to update php to php-5.2.3. In the instructions it states that you should cp over an "executable called 'php' under sapi/litespeed/". But I don't have that. What could be wrong?
I'm trying to update php to php-5.2.3. In the instructions it states that you should cp over an "executable called 'php' under sapi/litespeed/". But I don't have that. What could be wrong?
When you followed the instructions, did you run into any errors in the process? Please check to make sure you didn't skip a step because each step is important. Also, did you have --with-litespeed in your configure command?


LiteSpeed Staff
I think your PHP has not been successfully configured to build LiteSpeed PHP SAPI module. try your PHP configure command again and make sure output regarding sapi module is "LiteSpeed".


Well-Known Member
I think your PHP has not been successfully configured to build LiteSpeed PHP SAPI module. try your PHP configure command again and make sure output regarding sapi module is "LiteSpeed".
I also tried to download the ready package No executable file in /sapi/litespeed/ either. Should there be one?

What I didn't do during the installation was '--with-config-file-path=../php'. Could that be it?

This is my configure:

sudo ./configure --prefix=/users/myself/lsws/php5 --with-litespeed --with-config-file-path=../php --enable-sockets --enable-soap --with-pcre-regex --with-mysql=/usr/local/mysql --with-zlib --with-openssl --with-mcrypt=/sw --with-ncurses --with-gd --enable-gd --enable-magic-quotes --with-jpeg-dir=/sw --with-png-dir=/sw --enable-mbstring --with-curl

As you see I'm trying to make a sandbox environment with everything inside the lsws directory. Hopefully that will be ok :)


Well-Known Member
thats odd. only time that happend to me when i didnt ./buildconf --force

Try doing that before configuire if you havent already

if you cd to php*/sapi download litespeed, untar it cd .. then ./buildconf --force then should be in php*/sapi/litespeed/php

Also if you get any make errors post them.


Well-Known Member
thats odd. only time that happend to me when i didnt ./buildconf --force

Try doing that before configuire if you havent already

if you cd to php*/sapi download litespeed, untar it cd .. then ./buildconf --force then should be in php*/sapi/litespeed/php

Also if you get any make errors post them.
Got it working now. It was the ./buildconf --force that I missed.

Now I just wonder if I can take the php.ini from my current setup with apache2? Or is there one fresh coming with the php-source directory?


Well-Known Member
well you can use it as long as you have the modules in it compied for new php and you have the modules and everything listed right


Well-Known Member
well you can use it as long as you have the modules in it compied for new php and you have the modules and everything listed right
I found the php.ini in the source directory. One is called php.ini-dist and the other php.ini-recommended. Are they adjusted for the configure that you do? Anyway I've used the recommended one and it works.


Well-Known Member
wellyour php.ini for the wiki instruction compile will be in /opt/lsws/php/php.ini When you install zend it will link it to zends location.

The way I do the php I totally replace system php and all that by installing in prefix=/usr/local That way you just have one php and not 2, Easier to install pear modules, do phpize, etc. Otherwise you will be doing /php5/bin/phpize etc. But The way the wiki hasd is for people who may wanna go back to apache, it makes it very easy. Me, I have no plans on going back to apache so I do it this way.

Also if you have cpanel, A real good way to build a good php for litespeed and system is to go in cpanel and do teh apache update, for php you select all the modules except like pdflib, java, etc. Then you build it. What this does is gets all dependencies for you.
You can get the dependencies manually if you want but i find this easier.

Then you will be able to use a configure like this one listed on my phpinfo Then installing zend and other modules and patches is a breeze

I like to do this way because you will have a feature rich php and most likely wont need to compile again for missing stuff that some clients may need.