Nobody process in LS 4.2.2


Active Member
Was eager to remove Etags from header, so I quickly requested my server admin to update LiteSpeed to version 4.2.2.

Shortly after that I noticed that I couldn't upload images from Wordpress.
After reporting this problem to my server admin, he checked and found that litespeed is running some php processes as user "nobody" while some under the proper user.

Downgraded back to the previous version and the problem went away.


Active Member
The error message when fail to upload is:

"The uploaded file could not be moved to /home/"


he checked and found that litespeed is running some php processes as user "nobody" while some under the proper user.
this may be where the problem is. please check .htaccess, any directive like suPHP_UserGroup in it
Earlier php must have been working as user and now since it is running as nobody, it can't save images in folders, which aren't chmod 777. So you can either fix the directory permissions or switch to suExec.


LiteSpeed Staff
Please try update 4.2.2 to latest build, especially if you are using directadmin.
/usr/local/lsws/admin/misc/ -f -v 4.2.2