odd behavior when using include conf

i have a site
built with jamroom
it uses the jamroom profile domains module
however litespeed is causing 2 odd behaviors
1: with profile domains module enabled (even after removing the domains from the module) 1 of the included domains replaces the front page to logged out users (maindomain.com shows content from profiledomain.org instead)
2 write ssl urls in user site options does not redirect to ssl urls like it should (
should redirect automaticly to https)
additional info:
when the profile domains are enabled oddly i can acces the domains just fione but others get redirect errors., ocassionaly i would get a redirect error then refresh and it loads fine
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in /var/www/vhosts/system/dreadlockssite.com/conf/httpd.conf
near end of vhosts section is
Include "/var/www/vhosts/system/dreadlockssite.com/conf/vhost.conf"
in there is
Include /var/www/vhosts/dreadlockssite.com/httpdocs/data/media/0/0/*.conf
in /var/www/vhosts/dreadlockssite.com/httpdocs/data/media/0/0/apache_server_alias_include.conf
ServerAlias philadelphiarainbowfamily.org
ServerAlias www.philadelphiarainbowfamily.org
ServerAlias rainbowgatheringmusic.org
ServerAlias www.rainbowgatheringmusic.org
oddball effects
1 when it did seem to work (only for me) the main site dreadlockssite would get the title and preview from 1 of the other domains in fb posts and when doing certain site speed tests
2 wrong domain would come up for dreadlockssite
3 other people got redirect errors when accessing the other 2 domains
3 oddest of all they would sometimes redirect to dating.dreadlockssite.com
which..is on a diferent ip
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ps re-enabled it so you can see whats going on ..from my pc i just tried rainbowgatheringmusic 2 times i got redirection errors the 3rd time,m it loaded


still not quite understand what the issue is.
1. do they work well under apache ?
2. please give detail steps to reproduce 1 issue(and 1 issue only).
what is the expected result if it's apache
what is the result from litespeed
1 i don't know if they work right under apache (they had in the past) for some reason 90% of site images don't load under apache
2 enable the jamroom profile domains module, add the domains to be mapped to the profiles, restart litespeed (or reboot server, which had been necessary in the past under apache)
the expected results under apache and literspeed should be the same
should load
should load
additionally, going to either of the profiles using the dreadlockssite url should redirect to the profiles domain

the results are inconsistent. redirect errors, loading the wrong content even loading 1 of the profiles in place of the main domains index page

in fact, just tested it from my pc and a friends phone simultaniously
my pc loaded rainbowgatheringmusic.org when going to
loaded it without redirecting to the domain
and worse f all when going to dreadlockssite.com the phone loaded rainbowgatheringmusics content on all 3 domains
my pc loaded philadelphiarainbowfamily content on the dreadlockssite domain

in short it inconsistently redirects improperly
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before i do this on a live site thats pretty busy, it appears to my untrained eye that this will simply set up a diferent domain name for the main domains trafic?
i am confused about the rewrite rule
would i have to create 1 for each domain and profile its suposed to redirect to?


please do tests as below, see if it's ok for you:
1. create a new virtual host/domain(are you using Plesk ?) raibow-test.org
it can be a fake one, you can access it by editing your local machine's /etc/hosts (not on web server)
2. in lsws web admin, define a extApp
Name: main-dreadlockssite
Address: IP-of-www.dreadlockssite.com:80
(pls follow https://www.litespeedtech.com/support/wiki/doku.php/litespeed_wiki:proxy:lsws-as-a-proxy-rewrite)
3. in .htaccess of docroot of raibow-test.org:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://main-dreadlockssite/rainbow-music/$1 [P,E=Proxy-Host:www.dreadlockssite.com]
then access raibow-test.org, see if it will behave as expected.
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