overwrite authentication


Well-Known Member
Hi, I am using a password protected directory, but within this directory I have a php application that post files to upload. its giving an error when I have the authentication enabled. Its there a way to allow LSWS to overwrite the authentication based on the localhost ip or something?



while not do testing yet, I don't think password protected directory will be conflict with upload.

for example, you can password protect a whole wordpress site, but you can upload file/publish new post/access the site just like a normal wordpress site, except it need input a password when you access it at the first time.

need more info regarding "giving an error when I have the authentication enabled".


Well-Known Member
its a simple magento store password protected (front and backend) by lsws. the image upload does not work with the authentication on. As soon as I deactivate it it works again.

has to be authentication.. the thing is that the upload is probably made by a http post request on the server side, that does not authenticate

