OWASP ModSec with Litespeed


I used Apache configuration for Litespeed , OWASP is not working with litespeed and I received this error :

rewrite: unknown server variable while parsing: Transfer-Encoding)/'

How can I use OWASP with litespeed ?

Thank you

Thank you for reply but I'm looking for working free modsec rules that compatible with litespeed.

Would you please provide me some ?
Is it possible to ignore error in OWASP rules in litespeed ?


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Yes, you can ignore those errors.

The OWASP rules are mostly compatible with LSWS. The rules that are incompatible will be ignored. Some of them will throw up an error like you have seen, but you do not need to pay too much attention to these errors. The errors tell you what parts of ModSecurity LSWS does not support. Getting different rules will not cause LSWS to support these variables.
