Page cannot be displayed

Every now and then I get reports from visitors that when they click on a link they get Internet Explorer's default "Page cannot be displayed" error message while trying to load the page.

The URL in IE at that time is the correct URL, but when hitting the back button of IE they get back at the same URL and that time the page is displayed correctly.

It's not a PHP-script error or something. Something seems to go wrong with LSWS<>IE connection somewhere for some reason.

Anyone got this same problem? Is it a known error and is there a fix in progress?

There is NOTHING to be found in the logs about this. So it's very very hard for us to find out what's going wrong.

Thanks for any advice.
Just wanted to add: this doesn't happen a lot. I saw the same problem myself only 3 times in 1 month while I'm activly browsing our website hours a day.

Some visitors complain about it more often than others. Some even get annoyed by it...

Any help is appreciated! Thanks


LiteSpeed Staff
Does it happen to IE only? or other browsers as well?
Do you have an aggressive anti-DDoS setting? Does your web site uses a lot of small images?
I'm using the latest version : 3.3.24

The problem does not only exists in IE. I got some reports from firefox users too. But most reports I have are from IE users. (But then again: most of my visitors are IE users)

My website does indeed use a lot of small images. Here are my anti-DDoS settings:

Per Client Throttling
Static Requests/second 10000
Dynamic Requests/second 10000
Outbound Bandwidth (bytes/sec) 0
Inbound Bandwidth (bytes/sec) 0
Connection Soft Limit 10000
Connection Hard Limit 10000
Grace Period (sec) 15
Banned Period (sec) 300

Anything wrong with this?


Well-Known Member
I'm using the latest version : 3.3.24

The problem does not only exists in IE. I got some reports from firefox users too. But most reports I have are from IE users. (But then again: most of my visitors are IE users)

My website does indeed use a lot of small images. Here are my anti-DDoS settings:

Per Client Throttling
Static Requests/second 10000
Dynamic Requests/second 10000

Outbound Bandwidth (bytes/sec) 0
Inbound Bandwidth (bytes/sec) 0
Connection Soft Limit 10000
Connection Hard Limit 10000

Grace Period (sec) 15
Banned Period (sec) 300

Anything wrong with this?
Those values in bold are too high. And you should increase grace period to at least 30 seconds.


New Member

Is there a solution for this besides adjusting anti-ddos settings?

My site's on a litespeed web server (shared, nothing I personally can change) and I and other members are experiencing the exact same thing. Occasional "page can not be displayed" error. Refresh, or back does load the page.

My host informed me that he doesn't use "per client throttling functionality", is there anything else that can be done for this.




LiteSpeed Staff
We would like to investigate if your guys can provide more information to let us reproduce the problem. PM me if it is confidential.