Page refresh problem on LiteSpeed servers


I have installed LiteSpeed on a shared web hosting server. The problem is that a normal refresh on a LiteSpeed powered site will not redownload all the components of that web page so if for example I refresh a html page it will not also refresh the CSS files associated with (linked to) the html page.

This can be solved on a normal PC with a force/deep refresh (Ctrl + F5 on Windows). But on a mobile device (like an Android one) there is no force refresh (only the normal swipe refresh). As such, on mobile devices, if you change a CSS file, the change will not reflect on the HTML page upon refresh.

I have confirmed this on all our LiteSpeed servers. On the other hand on Apache, a normal refresh on a mobile device will refresh the page along with all other associated files (CSS etc).

If I change something in the linked CSS file, on a desktop, a force refresh will update the page in both LS and Apache. But on Android, only the Apache hosted page will update. The LS one will not. I assume that a cache reset on Android solves the problem but this makes developing for mobile much more difficult than on Apache. The webmasters we are hosting, can no longer develop easily for mobile and they're unhappy.

Is there a solution to this problem?
