Passenger architecture


LiteSpeed Staff
It is similar to what LiteSpeed has done for years.
They have to fix the copy-on-write problem in Ruby VM to save memory, and ruby-lsapi will save memory too with the patched Ruby VM.


Active Member
Would it be possible to use the patched "Ruby Enterprise" VM the Phusion guys have with LiteSpeed and get the same memory improvements? Or would ruby-lsapi completely die?

If so, is that something you've done or recommend? I haven't tried it personally yet but haven't heard any problems in general about their "Ruby Enterprise" patched VM.


LiteSpeed Staff
We have not tried it yet, but it should work well with LiteSpeed based on their claim. You may need to patch lsws/fcgi-bin/RailsRunner.rb by adding
if GC.respond_to?(:copy_on_write_friendly=)
    GC.copy_on_write_friendly = true
at the very beginning in order to fully take advantage of it.
Please let us know the result if you give it a try.
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