Permission problems and log problems


Well-Known Member
First, I have problems with suid. When I used Apache every user under his vhost ran as that user, so lets say account name is "site3" he had directory /home/site3 and all files inside were owned by site3. But now all files have to be created by user nobody which I don't prefer because of config of my sites.

So I could enable suPHP but that would disable Xcache so that is not option for me. Is there any other solution?

And second question is regarding webalizer and logs created by litespeed. It seems that webalizer doesn't want to process logs anymore, logs are owned by nobody but nothing is updated.

And logs if they owned by nobody:nobody webalizer doesn't want to process them. Looks like it requires to be owned by user.
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I use perlapp (From Perl PDK 7 Package) on a Soalris 8 SPARC Server to make a binary from my perl script !

When i trie to start this example binary with root rights on a Solaris 8 SPARC Server with SUID (Set user id) as user nobody - i got:

No -e allowed while running setuid.

I have no problems on Linux Server. So i can suggest it.


Well-Known Member
I use perlapp (From Perl PDK 7 Package) on a Soalris 8 SPARC Server to make a binary from my perl script !

When i trie to start this example binary with root rights on a Solaris 8 SPARC Server with SUID (Set user id) as user nobody - i got:

No -e allowed while running setuid.

I have no problems on Linux Server. So i can suggest it.
Wouldn't that just create additional overhead?
After 20 days of testing I can say Litespeed is good web server, but it's permission options are mess.

I have tried to chown public_html to nobody:nobody to check if it will work better, now I cannot upload files via ftp. And if I try to get ownership back to user:user I get this error msg:

[ERROR] Can not open directory for URI: /!

I don't know why is not possible to run things like with Apache that web server can write in directory with user:user permissions, now on other accounts if I want to let web server to write files I need to set that directory to nobody:nobody.


LiteSpeed Staff
You just setup LSWS to run as the user that Apache run as, it should work just like apache.
Or, you can try chown public_html to user:nobody .


Well-Known Member
You just setup LSWS to run as the user that Apache run as, it should work just like apache.
Or, you can try chown public_html to user:nobody .
Now I can access via ftp, but phpBB forum doesn't work. I can only make forum to work if i chown cache directory to nobody:nobody.

And with apache homedirs were owned by default users, and apache even thought it was ran as nobody could write to users directories. Of course that was done without suEXEC.

I hope my issue is more clear now.


Well-Known Member
mistwang here is log file:

Copying homedir..../bin/gtar: public_html/forum/images/avatars/upload/b7e8856b4846720502193e899896f886_220.gif: Cannot open: Permission denied
/bin/gtar: public_html/forum/images/avatars/upload/b7e8856b4846720502193e899896f886_1556.jpg: Cannot open: Permission denied
/bin/gtar: public_html/forum/images/avatars/upload/b7e8856b4846720502193e899896f886_1493.png: Cannot open: Permission denied
/bin/gtar: public_html/forum/images/avatars/upload/b7e8856b4846720502193e899896f886_1204.jpg: Cannot open: Permission denied
/bin/gtar: public_html/forum/images/avatars/upload/b7e8856b4846720502193e899896f886_1421.gif: Cannot open: Permission denied
/bin/gtar: public_html/forum/cache/sql_3a1be35e5661696670ad63cdf5089ac7.php: Cannot open: Permission denied
/bin/gtar: public_html/forum/cache/sql_417ef789e8da4ce1a8a781076e7dd145.php: Cannot open: Permission denied
/bin/gtar: public_html/forum/cache/sql_2effb967c7269f1d69a6eed53706da87.php: Cannot open: Permission denied
/bin/gtar: public_html/forum/cache/sql_d592fe940b4c1fdd7fad1d3e8a9fe087.php: Cannot open: Permission denied
/bin/gtar: public_html/forum/cache/sql_60ba9dee384fb1487f95f7858142020f.php: Cannot open: Permission denied
/bin/gtar: public_html/forum/cache/sql_f4d3a7c5f52258c6f6409a2319b0c349.php: Cannot open: Permission denied
/bin/gtar: public_html/forum/cache/sql_243a1041b6c8927536eb8910f1fe4d52.php: Cannot open: Permission denied
/bin/gtar: public_html/forum/cache/sql_e7073ad41276bf63d3795fdbfe3fb84c.php: Cannot open: Permission denied
/bin/gtar: public_html/forum/cache/sql_01d6ed198213903356e5e5866efe5587.php: Cannot open: Permission denied
/bin/gtar: public_html/forum/cache/ctpl_admin_acp_board.html.php: Cannot open: Permission denied
/bin/gtar: public_html/forum/cache/sql_8dc7338e7dad79272e4387d7826e1d60.php: Cannot open: Permission denied
/bin/gtar: public_html/forum/cache/ctpl_admin_acp_search.html.php: Cannot open: Permission denied
/bin/gtar: public_html/forum/cache/sql_642ff87a19ee00a77b48857923186184.php: Cannot open: Permission denied
/bin/gtar: public_html/forum/cache/sql_715a222fdfe625c64a476a3d0701ff0d.php: Cannot open: Permission denied
/bin/gtar: public_html/forum/cache/sql_42ed2ee1d594e96a87b263d537d5acd7.php: Cannot open: Permission denied
/bin/gtar: public_html/forum/cache/sql_5a1cae00a0a11e437fbc3966b611faf3.php: Cannot open: Permission denied
/bin/gtar: public_html/forum/cache/sql_1cb1f764a89a4e570dcdfddba4c84977.php: Cannot open: Permission denied
/bin/gtar: public_html/forum/cache/sql_1b2822b0d1648eb46a6701cc59e4e2a6.php: Cannot open: Permission denied
/bin/gtar: public_html/forum/cache/sql_9bb4dfea41e5c18c2c6c9d466caa2212.php: Cannot open: Permission denied
/bin/gtar: public_html/forum/cache/sql_6f2f6fcc006f6145e9461a038b7c1a08.php: Cannot open: Permission denied
/bin/gtar: public_html/forum/cache/sql_64eba99174ca44f2238bf20cb2a5e950.php: Cannot open: Permission denied
/bin/gtar: public_html/forum/cache/sql_f6c7b3d39dbb699b9d1f66539b70b15b.php: Cannot open: Permission denied
/bin/gtar: public_html/forum/cache/sql_09e8507fa4de27ff8b346bfeae85c9b8.php: Cannot open: Permission denied
/bin/gtar: public_html/forum/cache/sql_d82989ad7123607cca36f95401c17197.php: Cannot open: Permission denied
/bin/gtar: public_html/forum/cache/sql_73f8b4283409b8a59b8187769de27980.php: Cannot open: Permission denied
/bin/gtar: public_html/forum/cache/sql_5a00cb68ae252ec1d22fe23bbddde792.php: Cannot open: Permission denied
/bin/gtar: public_html/forum/cache/sql_07c1a8c1d9706a62f8fe6d89c5aa2978.php: Cannot open: Permission denied
/bin/gtar: public_html/forum/cache/sql_021151d1a377d62dbfaa89a4d1acc716.php: Cannot open: Permission denied
/bin/gtar: public_html/forum/cache/sql_719f20dd1a5c65c9b02fb4e9c255b1a4.php: Cannot open: Permission denied
/bin/gtar: public_html/forum/cache/sql_482ea363d4f023d33e8653eb8c5af236.php: Cannot open: Permission denied
/bin/gtar: public_html/forum/cache/sql_cc1aa7650c86b136d9d61fa295bb5108.php: Cannot open: Permission denied
/bin/gtar: public_html/forum/cache/sql_5360385efd2145dea5e86dd5bb49be9b.php: Cannot open: Permission denied
/bin/gtar: public_html/forum/cache/sql_9dc91161799801b44926b824ccc5cf51.php: Cannot open: Permission denied
/bin/gtar: public_html/forum/cache/sql_1eb184da4e3f5b3dff0c925addb7ccc6.php: Cannot open: Permission denied
/bin/gtar: public_html/forum/cache/sql_fdc46037c49f3a51620dc56905a540ff.php: Cannot open: Permission denied
/bin/gtar: public_html/forum/cache/sql_a934de4f15c017de4c11c89893fc3f07.php: Cannot open: Permission denied
/bin/gtar: public_html/forum/cache/sql_5afd6b6cbbf9768bcb252f6a6e81551f.php: Cannot open: Permission denied
/bin/gtar: public_html/forum/cache/sql_4f49e381bf105450c921f66b4a11102e.php: Cannot open: Permission denied
/bin/gtar: public_html/forum/cache/sql_1ec94e708320a8e3f12806792fda28a4.php: Cannot open: Permission denied
/bin/gtar: public_html/forum/cache/sql_79394d0e34d5bba457b924e5e0737754.php: Cannot open: Permission denied
/bin/gtar: public_html/forum/cache/sql_a9d86f1cc25d8890fcfe509a26c5d226.php: Cannot open: Permission denied
/bin/gtar: public_html/forum/cache/sql_5f3131fa99c9754764d430ad00061a8a.php: Cannot open: Permission denied
/bin/gtar: public_html/forum/cache/sql_b8863c140a63a99cb142d62f8587076c.php: Cannot open: Permission denied
/bin/gtar: public_html/forum/cache/sql_e6353a833451197bd5ae81302fa49a13.php: Cannot open: Permission denied
/bin/gtar: public_html/forum/cache/sql_6af473e331190af791216ecee0575e98.php: Cannot open: Permission denied
/bin/gtar: public_html/forum/cache/sql_a32c1df8c93582d2260737ecac6e4946.php: Cannot open: Permission denied
/bin/gtar: public_html/forum/cache/sql_887743062a28dfafe09faca8a8faa92b.php: Cannot open: Permission denied
/bin/gtar: public_html/forum/cache/sql_fc41e4e6f79f397e37096257c86039f0.php: Cannot open: Permission denied
/bin/gtar: public_html/forum/cache/sql_58da1995b22e346f14a44ef6da27ad1e.php: Cannot open: Permission denied
/bin/gtar: public_html/forum/cache/sql_1390f42fb6ced55b4e048bff243224fb.php: Cannot open: Permission denied
/bin/gtar: public_html/forum/cache/sql_a6512f46bc26c78515f5eb66b810f2d1.php: Cannot open: Permission denied
/bin/gtar: public_html/forum/cache/sql_6ccd874eeeb496ca0a1a4bdf6de96bff.php: Cannot open: Permission denied
/bin/gtar: public_html/forum/cache/sql_11d12dd513dc6b060fd3e58f1218da20.php: Cannot open: Permission denied
/bin/gtar: public_html/forum/cache/sql_b152bea2b86cc301f01da4d7125e73ba.php: Cannot open: Permission denied
/bin/gtar: public_html/forum/cache/sql_7fa6637f2f26e843546136678ecfe0d8.php: Cannot open: Permission denied
/bin/gtar: Error exit delayed from previous errors

As you can see script cannot backup that directory because all files are owned by user nobody. I use phpbb 3 forum software, this is started to be really annoying you advertise almost 100% compatibility but in this case it is far from that.