Just want to ask some help. i am moderating forums using PHbb plaftorm but there is a BIG problem going on for several days now. This notification always appear after the failed attempt:
503 Service Unavailable "The server is temporarily busy, try again later!"
my phbb forums are ran by your server and i just thought the problem might be server related. Could you please she some light why is this so? Thanks for your kind assistance.
Note: some of my sites that use PHbb forum powered by litespeed are bigeurobux.com, plentybux.com, eternalife.com, infinitybux.com and clicksis.com all of these are buxhosted paid to click sites.
503 Service Unavailable "The server is temporarily busy, try again later!"
my phbb forums are ran by your server and i just thought the problem might be server related. Could you please she some light why is this so? Thanks for your kind assistance.
Note: some of my sites that use PHbb forum powered by litespeed are bigeurobux.com, plentybux.com, eternalife.com, infinitybux.com and clicksis.com all of these are buxhosted paid to click sites.