PHP handler already exists

Greetings all LiteSpeed people! I am getting a warning/error in my logs that I can't quite figure out how to solve.

[308341] [T0] PHP handler [/usr/local/lsws/lsphp81/bin/lsphp] already exists

[308341] [T0] PHP handler [/usr/local/lsws/lsphp82/bin/lsphp] already exists

[308341] [T0] PHP handler [/usr/local/lsws/lsphp81/bin/lsphp] already exists

[308341] [T0] PHP handler [/usr/local/lsws/lsphp82/bin/lsphp] already exists
I have several LSAPI App's configured on this server, some for the server and others are virtual host specific. They all have unique names and addresses, but a they are all calling php command snip/lsphp81/bin/lsphp and snip/lsphp82/bin/lsphp.

Please point me into the right direction.
I think you are misunderstanding your source. He is basically saying bubble up exceptions to a top-level handler in your app.

So if you have a class wrapper around a table or function, dont catch the db error there but bubble it up (or generate a new exception with additional data) to the top layer, where is can be handled by you app handler or the PHP default one vshare .

But this is the OPs top layer. Its is perfectly fine to put the prepare/execute into a try/catch. Telling new programmers not to do so is somewhat misleading - they should try to catch PDO exceptions and handle them appropriately.

Thats my opinion anyways..
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I don't understand what you are trying to explain and how it relates to my post.

The error is showing up repeatedly in my server logs, and I don't know why or which external app on server level (I have multiple) is the source.