

Active Member
i m using PHP Version: 4.4.8

which is best php version to use for enterprises version

shud i update to php 5 is yes den which php5 version is best for litespeed

i mean php5.x ??

and how can i update php 4.4.8 to 5 in litespeed


Active Member

2008-10-21 01:30:01.374 WARN [config:server:listener] No listener is available for normal virtual host!
2008-10-21 01:30:01.375 ERROR [config:server:epsr:lsphp5] invalid path - /opt/lsws/fcgi-bin/lsphp5, it cannot be started by Web server!
2008-10-21 01:30:01.375 ERROR [config:scripthandler] Can not find handler with type: 8, name: lsphp5.
2008-10-21 01:30:01.375 ERROR [config:scripthandler] Can not find External Application: lsphp5, type: lsapi
2008-10-21 01:30:01.375 ERROR [config:scripthandler] use static file handler for suffix [php5]

these warning are showing in my admin panel

whts all dese errors


LiteSpeed Staff
You can ignore the first warning.

You need to fix /opt/lsws/fcgi-bin/lsphp5, it might be a permission problem if the file exist, try to run it from command line, and fix it according based on the error you get.


Active Member

my users complaint me dat smtimes they got dis error

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