phpmyadmin database backup error


Well-Known Member

I am trying to backup my database and it always stop at 15 or 23 mb's :(

I use mysql40 and ,add if not exists and ,complete inserts and ,at the end gzipped.

With apache is ok and i don't get any error message in litespeed.


Well-Known Member
Can you give me more easy to do info please?

What i must change to what?

Also dows this setting efect my forum speed or anything else?

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Well-Known Member
Change Dynamic Response Body Size to the value of the size of the database. It will not affect the forum speed. You can just change it back after backing up the database.


Well-Known Member
My database is 34mb gunzipped now ...

About 250 mb uncompressed.

So what is a good setting for this?

And also when i have to change the setting again?



LiteSpeed Staff
Just increase it to a number large enough and you will not hit for a long while.
If you dump the DB in Gzipped format, 100mb should be enough,
if in uncompressed format, 400mb should be good.