Possible run away process

I am using SMF 1.1.11 on a shared hosting account, LiteSpeed V5.3, PHP Version 5.2.9.

Something is hanging the forum, I have not noticed the problem in the rest of the site. Originally, it was when trying to do something active (post, edit, delete) but the past few days it is happening more often when just viewing pages.

This is in my error log:
2010-08-30 22:58:18.039 [NOTICE] [xx.xxx.xxx.xx:45989-0#APVH_mywebsite.com] Retry with new instance.
2010-08-30 22:58:27.044 [NOTICE] [xx.xxx.xxx.xx:47223-0#APVH_mywebsite.com] No request delivery notification has been received from LSAPI process:11409, possible run away process.

My host has not been much help, they seem to think there is something in the server settings that needs to be tweaked.

What can I do to track down what is causing this, or what can I tell them to do?



LiteSpeed Staff
The problem is completely in PHP side, It looks like a problem with PHP code, doing infinity looping somewhere.
Have you made changes to your site recently? upgrade?

It will cause some delay, but it should recover as LiteSpeed try another instance of PHP.
The last upgrade was December, this started sometime in the spring. I started using the RSS function sometime in the spring, but not sure if it was the same time. But that isn't really a change.

I have no idea if the PHP version changed or not, I know it was 5 but haven't paid attention to the incremental numbers.

What is happening is when you click on a link, you get a very long prompt of "waiting for mysite.com...." in the status bar. On rare occasions it will time out, usually it will load after a delay. Sometimes re-clicking on the link will work, other times it won't.

Is there any kind of diagnostic I could run?


LiteSpeed Staff
Does the site fetch remote content from another server? It may cause PHP process blocking on network I/O for long time.
You can try "strace -tt -T -p <lsphp5_pid>", see if you can catch one error.
Does the site fetch remote content from another server? It may cause PHP process blocking on network I/O for long time.
You can try "strace -tt -T -p <lsphp5_pid>", see if you can catch one error.
There are ads that are served remotely.

When I run strace with those parameters, it tells me:
syntax error near unexpected token `newline'


syntax error near unexpected token `newline'
you may run "strace -tt -T -p <lsphp5_pid>" directly?

replace <lsphp5_pid> with number, which is process id of lsphp5.

"ps -ef|grep lsphp5" can get the pid.