Hey folks,
I know I'm having a kinda strange configuration but here's the deal:
I'm running two web-servers currently with lsws.
Usually only one is serving requests and just uses the other one as php-fcgi load-balanced backend (together with local php-fcgi backends).
This part works fine.
I've got php5 + php4 installed on both machines and working.
Now, once the main-machine fails, the second machine should take over its ip-address and serve the requests.
The takeover of the ip-address is working fine with heartbeat.
But the problem is on the second backup-machine with accessing the local php4 instance through tcp/ip.
It simply can't reach it and returns a 503 error.
The other (main-) machine uses the php4 instance on the backup-machine without any problems through the internal load-balanced fcgi-backend.
So, what could be the problem?
I've been looking for a solution for hours already and can't find it.
The configuration is as follows:
Yes, I know I could remove the -b ip part but that only worked for me for php5. with php4 the other machine couldn't connect if I left out the -b ... .
I know I'm having a kinda strange configuration but here's the deal:
I'm running two web-servers currently with lsws.
Usually only one is serving requests and just uses the other one as php-fcgi load-balanced backend (together with local php-fcgi backends).
This part works fine.
I've got php5 + php4 installed on both machines and working.
Now, once the main-machine fails, the second machine should take over its ip-address and serve the requests.
The takeover of the ip-address is working fine with heartbeat.
But the problem is on the second backup-machine with accessing the local php4 instance through tcp/ip.
It simply can't reach it and returns a 503 error.
The other (main-) machine uses the php4 instance on the backup-machine without any problems through the internal load-balanced fcgi-backend.
So, what could be the problem?
I've been looking for a solution for hours already and can't find it.
The configuration is as follows:
FastCGI App Definition Edit Delete Back
Name fcgi-local
Max Connections 20
Environment PHP_FCGI_CHILDREN=20
Initial Request Timeout (secs) 60
Retry Timeout (secs) 0
Persistent Connection Yes
Connection Keepalive Timeout -1
Response Bufferring No
Auto Start Yes
Command /usr/lib/php4/bin/php-cgi -b
Back Log 100
Instances 1
Run On Start Up Yes
Max Idle Time -1
Priority 0
Memory Soft Limit (bytes) 300M
Memory Hard Limit (bytes) 350M
Process Soft Limit 110
Process Hard Limit 110