Problem With white page site's


Well-Known Member
i install litespeed, do building match PHP, and set port 0, than switch to litespeed, now when i open any site on server, i see white page.
when switch to apache, it is good.

my control panel: cpanel
in easyphp when i do rebuild apache, end time i see SuPHP in compiler.
version php in consol litespeed is 5.2.9 but at easyphp i see 5.3.22
Install Path Prefix in litespeed is

you think what is problem?:mad:


Staff member
"do building match PHP" incorrect, just use ea-php.
SuPHP, nowadays,'cgi" or FastCGI.
consol litespeed is 5.2.9, too old, upgrade to 6.0.10
Install Path Prefix in litespeed, just set it to default /usr/local/lsws/

You should really follow the right doc to do litespeed installation. If the doc doesn't mention, you'd better not to do it.

or you can check all sections about LSWS on cpanel/whm.