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What is proxyPass?
It's a feature that allows your website to act as a facade that can get content from other websites. For example, if you have a site called xyz.com, and you want to add forum functionality, and you know coolforums.com offers that, then you open an account on coolforums, and in your site, declare "proxypass forum.xyz.com xyz.coolforums.com", then you got instant forum functionality, doing so hide the supplying site, but this double the bandwidth cost. another way is just to point the DNS address of forum.xyz.com directly to coolforums.com, but revealing the supplying site.
I'm a site owner, why do I need it?
It's the simplest way to offer additional functionality on your website, fast. no software to write/install, no hareware to buy, basically you totally outsource it to the utility site which offer the functionality, be it forums, job board, blogs, etc. If you have a high traffic website, then you can offer job board and start earning in matter of minutes this way. Using proxypass allow you to offer more website features in less time, so user will stay on your site longer instead of hopping site to site.
I'm a web developer, why do I need it?
Due to default security setting, browser by default doesn't allow sending XmlHttpRequest(XHR) to other domains, most user don't know how to change that or want to change that. so one solution is to proxy the site I try to query. so in mysite.com rails app, I like to map all request starting with "mysite.com/yahoo" to "api.search.yahoo.com", so XHR call to "/yahoo" transparently gets content from api.search.yahoo.com and update browser UI through js.
for detail post, see
Current status
lsws does proxy web server already, but only resolves to IP and internal network, not url address. I've asked this before, but not deemed as priority by the development team.
As I surf more and more, I find Proxypass is empowering a whole new generation of websites, which offer internet services meant to be private labeled, or used as utility, whatever you call it. instead of creating the next blogspot.com, typepad allow user's blog to be integrated into user's own site. Instead of creating next monster.com, jobthread.com allow highprofile sites (slashdot, salon) to customize and integrate it onto their own site. Proxypass is doing all that magic behind the scene.
apache doc: