QUIC problems!

Please take steps as https://docs.litespeedtech.com/cp/cpanel/quic-http3/#enable-or-disable-quic to find out why. It has nothing to do with lsphp.
Good. I know this instruction from memory. But let's walk through it together.

Must have QUIC enabled in GUI/conf - enabled on all levels.
  • Must use either Chrome or Opera with QUIC enabled - enabled in all browsers ( i see quic enabled right now on this forum)
  • Must not use self-signed certificates only trusted certificates will work - cert is from certbot.

  • Must configure SSL Settings correctly - SSL is configured exactly like on link

  • Must have UDP Port 443 open at the firewall - No firewalls is running.

  • QUIC will not work with a proxy front end like CloudFlare - not using.

  • QUIC will only applied to HTTPS, not HTTP - i'm using force redirect from http to https
  • QUIC can be enabled at the server level, listener level or virtual host level - done.

  • QUIC won't work with LSWS 5.2.8 anymore as Chrome only speaks "quic/43", while LSWS 5.2.8 only supports up to "quic/39" - LSWS 5.4.8 is installed

  • By the way...
    1. No control panels is used.
    2. Bad cache certs is impossible, because different browsers and tonns of wiped browser cache.
    3. CSF is not installed.
    4. https://www.ssllabs.com/ssltest/analyze.html?d=api.gluklab.tech
    5. https://http3check.net/?host=api.gluklab.tech

    I would be grateful for any ideas. Thanks for your participation.