Recaptcha configuration and test

I'm trying to configure and test the recaptcha feature in a LiteSpeed Web Server Enterprise 6.0 following this guide:

According to the mentioned formula, the recaptcha should trigger when:
Active connections * 100 / Max Connections > (100 – Trigger Sensitivity)
The problem is that I' don't understand which configuration parameter Max Connections refers to:

- Configuration -> Server -> Tuning -> Max Connections/Max SSL Connections ??
- Configuration -> Server -> General -> PHP suEXEC Max Conn ??

I tried to put:
Configuration -> Server -> Security -> Enable reCAPTCHA = Yes
Configuration -> Server -> Security -> Trigger Sensitivty = 20
Configuration -> Server -> Tuning -> Max Connections/Max SSL Connections = 10
Configuration -> Server -> General -> PHP suEXEC Max Conn = 10
and in the site virtual-host:
<IfModule Litespeed>
  LSPHP_Workers 20
then I fired up "ab" and made many concurrent requests of a php script.
I was not able to trigger the recaptcha page even if I could see many running requests, as can be seen by the attached screenshot.

What am I doing wrong?
Thanks a lot

