Req in Processing

Hello ,
I want to know is it possible to limit Req in Processing per user?
I have just one user , whose req/sec is lower than my other users but hist Req in Processing is really much !
for example I have some users whose req/sec is > 52 , but the user who has problem is 14 but Req in Processing of the first user is 72 but for this user is about 2000 !
is it possible to limit Req in Processing for each user?
PS : I use 1-CPU Lease LSWS Enterprise


it's not likely possible.

the lsws built-in "Per Client Throttling" can limit(per user or per IP):
Static Requests/second
Dynamic Requests/second
Outbound Bandwidth (bytes/sec)
Inbound Bandwidth (bytes/sec)
Connection Soft Limit
Connection Hard Limit

you can adjust above value to limit "Req in Processing" indirectly.
I think "Per Client Throttling" is for limit users per IP not per virtual host

Sometimes we have clients that are under ddos and make server unresponsive.

Can we do limit per USER?
Can we globally limit "Req/Sec" for virtual host (auto kill extra requests)?
Can we globally limit "Req in processing" for virtual host?



Can we do limit per USER?
Can we globally limit "Req/Sec" for virtual host (auto kill extra requests)?
Can we globally limit "Req in processing" for virtual host?
here USER mean IP.
can limit each IP's connection number, soft reqs/sec, hard reqs/sec at server level(i.e., regardless which virtual hosts).

no way to limit "req in processing". but limit soft/hard reqs/sec can limit it indirectly.