Requests Problem !!!


it may be normal.

for example a website mainly for file upload, the file upload time is long and thus "Req in Processing" keeps increasing. and "Req/Sec" is new requests.


LiteSpeed Staff
It depends on how fast a request can be finished, if request need 5 seconds to finish in average, if the server got 20 new requests per seconds, you will get 100 requests in process and 20 requests/second rate.

The solution is to optimize your PHP and MySQL to make it faster and take less time to process.


LiteSpeed Staff
If your PHP script need to communicate with remote server, you need to make sure DNS is fast. A local forward DNS server which can cache DNS result is highly recommended.

Your server load is not high, no mysql, so I guess most PHP are just waiting for the remote server, blocking on sockets. That's kind of typical result when server talks to remote server.
Try "strace -tt -T -p <pid_of_php>", you can have an idea what slow down PHP.


LiteSpeed Staff
The default lsphp5 configuration is optimized for shared hosting environment, if you server serve a large web application, no need for PHP suEXEC, then you can increase "Max Idle Time", or set it to "-1".
It will reduce number of DNS requests, will speed up a little bit.