[Resolved] 403 error on all cPanel accounts after upgrade to v4.2.22

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I upgraded to v4.2.22 on one of my cPanel servers (with CloudLinux and PHP Selector) and right after the upgrade all websites gave a 403 error, and in the WebAdmin Console I saw the following error:

MIME type [application/x-httpd-php5] for suffix '.php' does not allow serving as static file, access denied!

When I switch to Apache, everything works fine. I also downgraded back to .19 and all websites run fine again.

Any ideas?
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No, only the php suffix is there. Screen Shot 2015-03-19 at 1.58.45 AM.png
Also, since simply switching to an older version fixed the issue, leads me to believe that this is not a configuration issue.
If I switch to .22 I get the error, once I switch back to .19 the websites work fine.


how about .20/.21 ? this may help narrow down the scope.

just force install .20/.21 by
/usr/local/lsws/admin/misc/lsup.sh -f -v 4.2.20 (or 4.2.21)
all the configuration file won't change(including .19/.22 set up)
easy and safe to switch between versions.


LiteSpeed Staff
In order to use MIME type "application/x-httpd-php5", need to add "php5" script handler.
The later version is more strict on this, please add php5 to the list of suffixes in the existing PHP script handler, should fix it.
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