[Resolved] Can't get GD support working

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I'm running LiteSpeed on Debian 6 Squeeze. I've installed the Apt-Get packages php5-gd, libpng-dev and libjpeg-dev. The libgd packages, I see mentioned on the web, aren't found by Apt-Get.

When I configure PHP with --with-gd or --with-gd-dir=..., LiteSpeed doesn't seem able to install PHP with GD support.

Does anyone here know how I can get GD working under Debian 6 Squeeze??? Could you please tell me? :D
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When I build PHP, using the LiteSpeed web console, it tells me GD support yes. But when I try an app like Piwik, for example, it says there is no GD.

How do I fix this?
Done that. Php info tells me gd is installed, with png, jpg and all others enabled.
Still any web app I try to install, tell me no gd.
Haven't had this problem before, seems a LiteSpeed thing as far as I can judge (with all my noobyness).


Well-Known Member
go through piwik code and find below in core/Piwki.php:

    static public function isGdExtensionEnabled()
        static $gd = null;
        if (is_null($gd)) {
            $extensions = @get_loaded_extensions();
            $gd = in_array('gd', $extensions) && function_exists('imageftbbox');
        return $gd;
according to php doc (http://php.net/manual/en/function.imageftbbox.php), freetype support is required.
Note: This function is only available if PHP is compiled with freetype support (--with-freetype-dir=DIR )
iow, need '--with-freetype-dir=DIR' in compile option. So it is not an lsws issue.
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