[Resolved] module is incompatible with LSWS and will cause file permission problems if not disabled.

After upgrading a cPanel server to LSWS 5.2, I see this error in the LiteSpeed cPanel plugin dashboard:
The module is incompatible with LSWS and will cause file permission problems if not disabled. Please go to "EasyApache 4" under Software and disable this module.
(screenshot: https://cl.ly/lz04)

However, it's not saying *which* module is incompatible. Any ideas?

Thanks in advance,
I just checked an no, I don't have it enabled (or even installed).

PS: This is a server that's working perfectly fine for months (even now with this error). It just started showing up after I upgraded to v5.2

Michael A

Staff member
Hello everyone,

For others who might be encountering this issue, it turns out that some of our planned WHM plugin v2.2.2 changes slipped out a little earlier than intended.

We are working on rebuilding our current package to fix this. I will post again when that is ready.


Michael A

Staff member
For the time being, this message can either be (safely) ignored, or removed by force updating to the debug build of 5.2 with command
lsws/admin/misc/lsup.sh -d -f -v 5.2

Michael A

Staff member
Hello ffeingol,

The message should be working correctly in that version, have you checked to see that the mentioned module is disabled in EasyApache?



Staff member
Ensure that ITK, mod_ruid2, and suEXEC are not present in EA3/EA4's implementation of Apache. If it is, you can either disable FileProtect (/scripts/disablefileprotect) or you can remove the offending modules from Apache and re-run /scripts/enablefileprotect

Our latest WHM plugin should include disabling fileprotect for you already.