[Resolved] PHP - APC Uptime 0 minutes

I'm having trouble with APC and php. APC constantly clears its cache, lasting at most 2 minutes, but usually closer to 30 seconds.

I have disabled suExec through the litespeed interface and restarted the server. I'm also running suhosin if it matters.

What else can I try?

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after disable suExec, which user is lsphp running as ?

please paste output of following command:
ps -ef|grep lsphp


pstree -p (only lshttpd subtree)
Thanks for the quick reply.

ps -ef|grep lsphp results:

nobody 24753 24530 0 22:25 ? 00:00:00 lsphp5
nobody 24754 24753 2 22:25 ? 00:00:00 lsphp5
root 24756 24700 0 22:25 pts/0 00:00:00 grep lsphp

pstree -p output:

| |-lshttpd(24530)---lsphp5(24941)---lsphp5(24942)
| `-lshttpd(24531)

If it makes a difference this is from our QA server with (almost) no load. The problem is the same on the live server, though.



the output confirm that php suExec disabled and running as nobody

APC constantly clears its cache, lasting at most 2 minutes, but usually closer to 30 seconds.
this shouldn't happen

| |-lshttpd(24530)---lsphp5(24941)---lsphp5(24942)
| `-lshttpd(24531)

just ensure the lsphp5(24941) process is running there even no access to php for some time. if lsphp5(24941) being killed after idle for a while, then the issue you observed will hapeen since APC cache is associated with a process. in this case, it's lsphp5 which pid=24941
After some time of not running...

| |-lshttpd(24530)
| `-lshttpd(24531)

What does that mean/what can I need to do about it?
Here's our config:

Name lsphp5

Address uds://tmp/lshttpd/lsphp5.sock

Notes Not Set

Max Connections 35


Initial Request Timeout (secs) 60

Retry Timeout (secs) 0

Persistent Connection Yes

Connection Keepalive Timeout Not Set

Response Buffering No

Auto Start Yes

Command $SERVER_ROOT/fcgi-bin/lsphp5

Back Log 100

Instances 1

suEXEC User Not Set

suEXEC Group Not Set

Run On Start Up Not Set

Max Idle Time 10

Priority 0

Memory Soft Limit (bytes) 450M

Memory Hard Limit (bytes) 500M

Process Soft Limit 200

Process Hard Limit 200

Thanks for all the help, Jared


Max Idle Time 10
"Specifies the maximum idle time before an external application is stopped by the server. When set to -1, the external application will not be stopped by the server. Default value is -1. "

current setting only 10 seconds