- Get LiteSpeed server from Amazon marketplace, it runs on EC2 instance
- Upgraded to version 5.2.1
- Configured to use QUIC
- Server->Tuning->QUIC->Enable QUIC->Yes
- Added new listener (port 8443) , then in SSL->Allow Quic->Yes
- Mapped virtual host Examples-> new listener and eneble QUIC there as well:Vitrual Host->SSL->Security&Features->Enable QUIC->yes
- Opened UDP port 8443 in EC2 security group
- Checked that it's opened: nc -ul 8443 able to receive data from another machine
- Restarted server via admin console
- Problem:
netstat -lupn
doesn't show that listener on this port is started - In the server log I see following messages
Code:2017-10-05 20:04:51.524 ERROR [config:server:listener:quic_listener] missing <certFile> in <listener>2017-10-05 20:04:51.524 WARN [config:server:listener:quic_listener] failed to create SSL context for listener *:8443, turn SSL off. 2017-10-05 20:04:51.525 ERROR [config:vhost:Example] missing <certFile> in <vhssl>
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